Sunday, October 3, 2010

When in like the Italians eat

Meal times have become my favorite part of living here! We have a small round table and tonight we had eight people around it eating together. It was fabulous. Mattia made pizza (the Nappoli way!) which was delicious. We just sit and joke and talk and tonight we bonded over The Clash and other American music. I love that these people are so knowledgeable about American pop culture. It really gives us something to talk about. I was thinking when I left that I'd be sarving to death here or just eating whatever was least expensive because I'd be cooking for myself but it happens to be the exact opposite. I'm eating like a king (or queen)! At school we can buy lunch and dinner during the week. The food is very good considering it comes from a school kitchen. But, they do serve things that I am really not used to. Interested in some examples? Here we go: as an entree an option was a halved peach with a scoop of tuna in the divits where the pit would go, also, I had (at least tried) vegetables which were patee'd then placed into a pan in spereate layers then sliced and served. It looked like a spongy slice of neopolitain ice cream but in orange, white and green. Those were the strangest things I have encountered thus far. But, I'm sure there will be more. Since I've been here though Mattia has made us three meals. So I've been eating Italian more than French and I prefer it that way. He made us Safron Rizito with mushrooms that someone in his family grows in Italy, and Crab Spaghetti and now pizza. He says its a good thing he is going back to Italy for Christmas that way he can bring back more provisions...because the French "can not do pasta!"
I have my first class tomorrow! Let's pray it goes well!
 à plus tard!

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