Monday, November 22, 2010

Let it snow!

   Its begining to feel a lot like Christmas in my little corner of France. Its not snowing yet but each night it gets pretty misty/foggy and there is some tough condensation on all of the cars (not ice because its not quite that cold, yet).  Also, I'm having fun experiencing all of this with Melissa who told me the other day this is the coldest weater she has ever encountered.
   I don't have to wait for Thanksgiving to be over to start embracing all things Christmas while in France so I'm just about in full blown Christmas Mode. What does that mean? Let me show you.
Making a million snowflakes to hang all over the apartment!

Wrapping presents. Yes, I'm done shopping!    
   I've also been in a baking fury and I'll add some photos later. One slight set back: I can't find candy canes anywhere. I guess I can just buy mint extract and use that for cookie glaze. Who knew cooking in France could be such an adventure?
   Side note. I have searched in both of the huge supermarkets in Les Herbiers and I am unable to find cranberries. The only frozen fruits I've found are strawberries and raspberries. Disapointing because I wanted to make my grandmother's cranberry sauce to share at the Nantes Thanksgiving. Pumpkin Spice bread will have to do.

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