Thursday, February 9, 2012

These are a few of my favorite things...

We're just about to finish week five of pre-service training which puts us just about half way. I'm starting to figure things out which feels nice. So, here is a list of things that I seriously enjoy about my new Thai life:
+ smiling children! they never get old...ever. They might be screaming 'farang' and chasing after my bike, or 20 of them might be grabbing me at the same time just so they can touch my skin but as long as they are smiling and laughing my heart just melts.
+ riding by cows grazing on the side of the road. its a great way to bring me back to the moment of how beautiful my life is. its also comical and much needed after a stressful day.
+ mentally engaged students! teaching is so fun when students want to play along.
+ interested Thai people. today while we were running multiple community members talked to us and were interested in why three foreign girls were running around the school track. I just hope that there are two or three interested parties at my site. making these simple and innocent connections really makes all of the sweating worth it.
+ Som Dom! this is the most delicious meal ever created. learn how to make it by watching this:
+ getting letters and packages. it really makes m already wonderful days ever more amazing!
+ Thai family days. they are very confusing. i never know what's going on but i love it. i get to see a ton of cool things (ancient temples and huge statues of Buddha).
+ The fact that we are really living pretty rural. I mean there are huge lizards, snakes, spiders just by the road. Also, there are little geckos and toads everywhere. I've seen at least fifteen different types of butterflies and more types of birds than I can count. Just before dawn the world comes alive. its an amazing thing to hear!

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