Monday, February 20, 2012

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

This just in: I'm moving to Klong Klung in the province of Kampaengpat, Thailand in four weeks. It is between 40 and 80 Km from the Burmese border and in the northern part of 'Central' Thailand. It's approximately six hours from Bangkok.  From the information I was provided it's an agricultural community of farmers and small shop owners. I'm very excited to meet my co-teachers. Kru Kate is the one who applied for a volunteer and we'll be teaching primary 4-6 this year. Her good friend Nong teaches in a town only 4 Km away and she's very interested in starting after school programs for the students to help them stay away from drugs and substance abuse. There is also a health clinic 100 meters from the school. The volunteers at the clinic work closely with the school so there is a great opportunity to focus on HIV/AIDS education in the community!
I already feel like this is going to be a good fit and I have not even visited yet!
Also, the next host family has a two year old kid. Thai toddler time for days! Life is good!

** sorry, I was asked to remove the photo for security reasons. 

1 comment:

  1. Lady! I'm so excited for all of the opportunities that are at your next placement. Praying for the best placement ever!! Cannot wait to talk to you all about this and about your site visit. Hope it all goes smoothly and I CANNOT wait to see pics of this beautiful toddler :)
