Saturday, March 24, 2012

Life in the 'yes' lane

I would like to preface this post by sharing a little Peace Corps insight. During Pre-Service Training we are all told over and over to take chances and say 'yes' to new long as they comply with the rules we need to follow for safety and security reasons. I've been trying my best to have the adventure of a life time. I say yes to things without even know what might be in store. This was exactly the case on Wednesday on our trip from Singburi to Kamphaeng Phet. Wednesday morning was emotional. We all knew we had to leave and start our own individual adventures in separate villages all over the country. That being said, there were very few tears as we were driven away by our counter-parts and co-teachers. So, we're driving to my site, we stop for lunch, I'm a little nervous (as anyone would be) but trying to make the most of it when Kru Kate asks if I want to go see the monkeys. In grand old Peace Corps fashion I responded with a quick yes and a smile. We are in Thailand after all and the monkeys here are as cute as anywhere.
So, at this point I'm thinking we're going to some sort of monkey preserve much like the bison range in Montana or something along those lines. Soon, out of nowhere there are these two 'mountains' in the middle of the rice fields. We turn and head straight for one called Khao No. She tells me that there are thousands of monkeys that live on the mountain in caves and at dusk thousands of bats fly out of the caves too. I'm thinking, nature; cool. We continue driving around the base of the mountain and see monkeys paying, swimming in puddles, cleaning each other and doing other wild monkey activities. we drive for about five minutes and then she pulls over next to  trolly covered in wire and filled with food to feed the monkeys. Kate jumps out of the car, I follow her lead hesitantly and the monkeys instantly know whats up. Not fifteen seconds later we are surrounded by over 200 primates. Kru Kate then hands me a bag of nuts to feed to the little (and in some cases not so little) creatures. They are all around me so I thought if i threw them further away they might run to gather around the tossed food. Good in theory but actuality is another story entirely. I continue to throw the nuts when a monkey starts to pull my skirt. My skirt was sliding over my hips so i shoo the monkey way and pull up my skirt when it hits me. And by 'it' I mean a monkey. I was distracted by the little monkey on the ground and a much larger money decided it was time for action. He lunged at me, grabbed the bag of nuts from my hand and then jumped over my shoulder and ran away. I about lost it. I wasn't hurt, just a little scrape but I was seriously freaked out. I just stood there with my hands together looking at all of the other 400 eyes staring at me saying in Thai, I don't like monkeys! We stayed for another five minutes before we left. I can't wait to take people there when they visit. I'll stay in the car but it was such a surreal experience I think everyone should try it.
Lesson learned: Its nice to see animals in their natural habitat. You should leave them there and not disturb their way to life. Thailand might need signs that say, 'Don't feed the Monkeys' like we have for the bears in Washington.
Let the adventure continue!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

That one story about the bugs...

First, I would like to start this riveting short story with a weather report. The 'hot' season in Thailand has officially started. It is much like that part in 'The Devine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood' where they say, 'There's not a g.damn breeze in the whole state of Louisiana'. You just sit and melt. So along with the heat and humidity the rice fields are also being harvested. When the fields are harvested there are millions or trillions of 1/8 inch long insects that swarm...everything.
So, like most insects they are drawn to light. Most families have been going 'lights out' at around 7:45 each night because if you have the lights on the room will be filled with hundred of these insects. I didn't really pay attention to this rule thinking that they'd mind their own business. Valerie was over last night until about 8:30. We we're just hanging, shootin' the breeze about the end of PST, you know, sweating together. She went home and I decided to take a shower.I thought I was being tricky by leaving the light in the hall on instead of in my room. I was anticipating the insects to fly towards the new light once mine was turned off. This was not the case.
I walked into my dark wood room after my shower (I didn't turn on the light) and started to change into my pajamas. Then out of no where I started being pelted by the bugs! They were flying onto me because I was the new lightest thing in the room. I had 50+ insects all over me. All I could think was, 'Is this real life?'.
People here are obsessed with white skin. They think it is very beautiful...but now it might also be a hazard! 

Friday, March 9, 2012

parting is such sweet sorrow

I can't believe its the end of week nine already. I have my final Language Proficiency Exam tomorrow afternoon. I need to score a Novice-high to not require a tutor at site. I feel pretty confident. We've learned a ton but our aa-jans (teachers) have been amazing. I'm amazed at our language abilities. So, we'll see how it goes tomorrow!

Today was the last day of technical training. Our session ended with a few tears and lots of hugs. I feel honored to be surrounded by my fellow TCCO volunteers. We've grown into a close little family full of support and encouragement. We love the CBOD volunteers but, the dynamics are just different. I'm sure they feel the same way. Today felt a little like the last day of high school...but like we were all going to the same university and would see each other around. I don't think it's really sunk in yet that in two weeks we're going to be alone in our communities. Its an entirely bittersweet situation. I love being a part of this community (Bangrachan, PC staff, aa-jans, PCTs) but at the same time I'm psyched to start the next phase of this adventure. The next week is going to be full of packing, prep for a farewell party, logistical meetings, Final Progress Reviews and then swearing in. Its about to get really real!

On an entirely different note, I now know what it is like to have some stomach 'bug' in a developing country. This weeks been a little rough. My friend Emily and I ate the same things for lunch at a random restaurant on Monday and things have not been the same since. I'm super thankful for the Thailand PCMOs. They are so sweet and follow up regularly. We now have antibiotics along with anti-cramping and anti-nausea so hopefully this will all end soon. You never appreciate your healthy body until you no longer have it. So be nice to your body, its an amazing thing.

My host family is so nice. They just informed that I need to be home by 5:30 pm tomorrow because we're going somewhere as a farewell treat before I move to Klong Klung. I have no idea what is in store but I'm sure its going to be awesome and 50% lost in translation...which makes it hilarious, fun and a mystery.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Do you have mosquitoes in America?

Once again, I have more stories to share and no time to document all of the madness that is happening. At least it's good madness full of learning and friends and adventure so no complaints. I've been thinking a lot about how we all ultimately have one major choice each day. We can choose to be happy or we can opt for the (what I consider to be a lot more difficult) route of feeling like the world is out to get us. I don't know why I keep thinking about this but it really is nice to just choose the happier side of life. In any situation we have the option to feel upset or left out or like we got the short end of the stick but there is almost always a silver lining and I am going to cling to it for dear life if I have to. I'll let you know how it goes!

Last weekend we had or Peace Corps Office tour directly followed by our Site Visit! It was quite the adventure! The Peace Corps office is in an historic house in Bangkok and is equipped with not only offices of all of our favorite people, a medical wing but also a volunteer lounge full of books (hundreds), games, computers to use, t.v.s to watch, clean western bathrooms with showers to rinse off the road grime, couches to lounge on and a room to store your stuff while you bum around the city. Its nice to know there is a place to hangout that is our space. Its always a problem in cities to find a place to just be while waiting for a bus or connection. Now, we have one. While at the office I was asked to be the 'warden' for my region. I'm not sure what the position means but I'm pretty sure I will help to notify the other volunteers in case of an emergency, evacuation etc... It was nice to be asked by the Peace Corps staff. It was like a little vote of confidence that I wasn't expecting. Asking for my help insinuates that I'll be here for the two years and they do not feel concerned about my progress or abilities.

After the tour and pictures we were all off to the train or bus stations. I quickly got a ticket (using only Thai) and was set to leave within an hour. This meant that I didn't have a chance to eat pizza or nachos or a frappicino while in Bangkok but there will be time for that, I'm sure. I took a bus to what can only be described as a truck stop strip mall off of the freeway. I was a little confused about the location at the time but was insured by the driver that this is where I was to get off because he had spoken to my co-teacher on the phone. On the other side of the parking lot I was greeted by hugs and exceptionally warm smiles by Kru Kate (co-teacher #1) and her sister. So, I hoped in the car, we got some gas and we were off to meet her family. Its a very strange that I've turned into someone who can take a bus to the middle of nowhere to meet complete strangers in a language I don't actually speak and then stay with them for five days. Ten years ago this didn't even seem possible. Personal growth is a awesome thing to check back in on every now and again. At her house (which is beautiful and feels homey) I metKru Kate and the girl who is most likely going to be my new Thai best friend. Her name is Eim; she is 17, ambitious, funny, and so excited to help! Over the next 4 days we all spent time together, talked school, politics, vacations, food, made jokes, ate (the Thais love to eat), went orchid shopping, visited a medicinal hot spring, and went to school. I am in love with this family. They just feel so normal. I can't really imagine a better fit for a co-teacher. She is already on board 100% which is amazing considering we've been hearing horror stories from current PCVs about their teachers refusing to teach (as in they have not been in class for seven weeks in one case). I just don't foresee there being any major issues. The principal (or Paw-aw) is very excited for me to be there as are the teachers and students. The situation is great so far!

Monday was nation wide ONET testing and Kru Kate had to proctor the test at a different school. I went to 'our' school (she already calls it our school) just to hangout and be present. Little did I know that within the first thirty minutes of being there I'd be speaking to the entire school with microphones and video cameras. Impromptu speeches are not my forte but I put on the Peace Corps smile and did the dang thing. In retrospect, its actually really funny. It was like I was some sort of VIP coming to grace the school with my presence but really, I'm a dorky girl from Washington who just really likes to help. Throughout the day I felt like a celebrity always walking with teachers and engulfed in a sea of smiling children who were brimming with excitement and questions but were too shy to ask. By the end of the day the students warmed up and asked a few vital questions. Here is what I got: 'Do you have mosquitoes in America?', a fourth grader asked, 'We can be friends on Facebook?', 'How cold in snow?', 'Do you speak Thai?' which I answered in Thai and they all died laughing. It was a wonderful day full of small talk and genuine smiles.

Only seventeen more days until we swear in as official Peace Corps Volunteers. I can't believe how fast time flies. We have our Language Proficiency Exam a week from Saturday! Its crazy.
I'll leave with a few shots from this weekend!
They are all so beautiful!

Orchids for as far as you can see!

The future of Thailand (the kids, not me)

This is why my job rocks.